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Samenvatting SLAAC en DHCPv6 termen en pakketten ...


  1. FLAGs:
    • A flag – This is the Address Autoconfiguration flag.
      Use SLAAC to create an IPv6 GUA.
    • O flag – This is the Other Configuration flag.
      Get Other information from a stateless DHCPv6 server.
    • M flag – This is the Managed Address Configuration flag.
      Use a stateful DHCPv6 server to obtain an IPv6 GUA.
  2. Message Exchange:
    a normal DHCPv6 message exchange involves the following messages:
    1. Solicit - sent by a DHCPv6 Client to locate DHCPv6 Servers.
    2. Advertise - sent by a DHCPv6 server to a DHCPv6 Client in answer
      to the solicit message as an affirmative message that DHCPv6 Server services
      are available to a DHCPv6 Client.
    3. Request - sent by a DHCPv6 Client to a DHCPv6 Server to request configuration parameters.
    4. Reply - sent by a DHCPv6 Server to a DHCPv6 Client with configuration information.
    5. Renew - sent by a DHCPv6 Client to a DHCPv6 Server
      requesting an extension to the address lifetime.
      Stateless DHCPv6 does not require a DHCPv6 Server to maintain any dynamic state for clients,
      such as Domain Name System (DNS) Server addresses. Note that only configuration information
      is exchanged with stateless Prefix Delegation.
      Stateful DHCPv6 uses a DHCPv6 Server to centrally manage IPv6 address and prefix
      assignment. DHCPv6 Clients get IPv6 address or prefix information from the DHCPv6 Server.
      DHCPv6 Clients can obtain configuration information that is not available from other protocols,
      such as DNS.
  3. DHCPv6 message types
    The following DHCPv6 Message Types are supported:
    SOLICIT: A DHCPv6 Client sends a SOLICIT message to locate DHCPv6 Servers.
    A DHCPv6 Server sends an ADVERTISE message to indicate that it is available for DHCPv6 ser-
    vice in response to a SOLICIT message received from a DHCPv6 Client.
    A DHCPv6 Client sends a REQUEST message to request configuration parameters, including
    IPv6 addresses.
    A DHCPv6 Client sends a CONFIRM message to any available DHCPv6 Server to determine
    whether the IPv6 addresses it was assigned is still appropriate to the link to which the DHCPv6
    Client is connected. This can happen when the DHCPv6 Client detects either a link-layer con-
    nectivity change, or if it is powered on and one or more leases are still valid. The CONFIRM
    message is used to confirm whether the DHCPv6 Client is still on the same link or whether it has
    been moved. The actual lease(s) are not validated; just the prefix portion of the delegated IPv6
    addresses or IPv6 prefixes.
    A DHCPv6 Client sends a RENEW message to the DHCPv6 Server that originally provided the
    DHCPv6 Client’s addresses and configuration parameters, to extend the lifetimes on the IPv6
    addresses assigned to the DHCPv6 Client and to update other configuration parameters.
    A DHCPv6 Client sends a REBIND message to any available DHCPv6 Server to extend the life-
    times of the IPv6 addresses assigned to the DHCPv6 Client, and to update other configuration
    parameters. This message is sent after a DHCPv6 Client receives no response to a RENEW
    A DHCPv6 Server sends a REPLY message containing assigned IPv6 addresses and configura-
    tion parameters in response to a SOLICIT, REQUEST, RENEW, and REBIND message received
    from a DHCPv6 Client. A DHCPv6 Server sends a REPLY message containing configuration
    parameters in response to an INFORMATION-REQUEST message. A DHCPv6 Server sends a
    REPLY message in response to a CONFIRM message confirming or denying that the IPv6
    addresses assigned to the DHCPv6 Client are appropriate to the link to which the DHCPv6 Cli-
    ent is connected. A DHCPv6 Server sends a REPLY message to acknowledge receipt of a
    RELEASE or DECLINE message.
    A DHCPv6 Client sends a RELEASE message to the DHCPv6 Server to inform it that the
    DHCPv6 Client will no longer use one or more of the assigned IPv6 addresses.
    A DHCPv6 Client sends a DECLINE message to a DHCPv6 Server to indicate that the DHCPv6
    Client has determined that one or more IPv6 addresses assigned by the DHCPv6 Server are
    already in use on the link to which the DHCPv6 Client is connected.
    A DHCPv6 Server sends a RECONFIGURE message to a DHCPv6 Client to inform the DHCPv6
    Client that the DHCPv6 Server has new or updated configuration parameters. The DHCPv6 Cli-
    ent is to initiate a RENEW/REPLY or an INFORMATION-REQUEST/REPLY transaction with the
    DHCPv6 Server to receive updated information.
    A DHCPv6 Client sends an INFORMATION-REQUEST message to a DHCPv6 Server to request
    configuration parameters without the assignment of any IPv6 addresses to the DHCPv6 Client.
    A DHCPv6 Relay Agent sends a RELAY-FORW message to relay messages to DHCPv6 Servers,
    either directly or through another DHCPv6 Relay Agent. The received message, either a DHCPv6
    Client message or a RELAY-FORW message from another DHCPv6 Relay Agent, is encapsu-
    lated in an option in the RELAY-FORW message.
    A DHCPv6 Server sends a RELAY-REPL message to a DHCPv6 Relay Agent containing a mes-
    sage that the DHCPv6 Relay Agent delivers to a DHCPv6 Client. The RELAY-REPL message
    may be relayed by other DHCPv6 Relay Agents for delivery to the destination DHCPv6 Relay
    Agent. The DHCPv6 Server encapsulates the DHCPv6 Client message as an option in the
    RELAY-REPL message, which the DHCPv6 Relay Agent extracts and relays to the DHCPv6 Cli-
  4. DHCPv6 Client to DHCPv6 Server messages
    The following DHCPv6 Messages are sent from a DHCPv6 Client to a DHCPv6 Server:
    • RENEW
    • REBIND
  5. DHCPv6 Server to DHCPv6 Client messages
    The following DHCPv6 Messages are sent from a DHCPv6 Server to a DHCPv6 Client:
    • REPLY
  6. DHCPv6 Relay to DHCPv6 Relay/Server messages
    The following DHCPv6 Message is sent from a DHCPv6 Relay to a DHCPv6 Relay/Server:
  7. DHCPv6 Relay/Server to DHCPv6 Relay messages
    The following DHCPv6 Message is sent from a DHCPv6 Relay/Server to a DHCPv6 Relay: