CUR software admin -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/software-administration
OEF software admin -- http://linux800.be/inleiding/oefeningen/software
OEF installeer brave browser -- https://brave.com/linux/
OEF/CUR software admin advanced -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/software-administration (oefeningen onderaan yum/rpm 1 t.e.m. 7)
CUR systemd -- http://linux800.be/services/systemd
HERH services -- sshd op RH8 -- http://linux800.be/services/services-adv-2/ssh-adv2
HERH ssh keys op RH8 -- http://linux800.be/services/services-adv-2/ssh-keys
CUR/LAB LAMP op ubuntu20 -- http://linux800.be/services/services-adv-2/apache2-php-mysql
CUR/LAB mySQL command line hero -- http://linux800.be/services/services-adv-2/mysql-cli
CUR/LAB apache + virtual hosts op ubuntu20 -- http://linux800.be/services/services-adv-2/apache2-virt-host-ubuntu
CUR/LAB apache + virtual hosts op RH8 -- http://linux800.be/services/services-adv-2/apache2-virt-host-centos7
CUR/OEF system utilities en diversen -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/system-utilities/diverse-commando-s
onderwerpen zijn:
static routing / OSPF / VLAN's / Router on a stick /
DHCPrelay / SUBnetten / ipv6 / application layer
EXAMEN DONE -- ipv6 , vlan's, static routing, legacy subnetten en ospf:
laatste les (25/2) voor de krokus: 33% v/d punten
OPGELEGD WERK router-on-a-stick, dhcp-relay + ospf, variable subnetten inleveren na de krokus
ten laatste op 10 maart 2022: 33% v/d punten
CCNA1 TESTEN ccna1 voor het einde van de krokus
ten laatste op 10 maart 2022: 34% v/d punten
Het CentOS probleem
On 8 December 2020, the CentOS Project announced that the distribution would be discontinued at the end of 2021 in order to focus on CentOS Stream. The community's response to this announcement was overwhelmingly negative. Soon thereafter, CentOS founder, Gregory Kurtzer announced a new project to continue the original CentOS focus, which became known as Rocky Linux -- https://rockylinux.org/ . CloudLinux created AlmaLinux -- https://almalinux.org/ to provide a community-supported successor to CentOS Linux, aiming for binary-compatibility with the current version of RHEL. A beta version of AlmaLinux was first released on February 1, 2021, and the first stable release of AlmaLinux was published on March 30, 2021.
Rocky Linux appears on belnet -- https://ftp.belnet.be/mirrors/rockylinux/ and looks like a first choice right now. CentOS-(up)streams is a Fedora, a distro impossible to teach with.
(15) vr 25/2/2022: EXAMEN/OPGELEGDE WERKEN
(14) di 22/02/2022: NET-SEC
HERHALING cron - crontab -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/cron-crontab
CURSUS advanced linux LVM2 -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/disks-files/lvm2
CURSUS advanced linux RAID -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/disks-files/raid
OEF advanced linux LVM en RAID -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/disks-files/oefening-raid-en-lvm2
(13) ma 21/02/2022: NET-SEC
OEF legacy subnetting + static routing -- oef 5 http://netwerk800.be/routing/rip-v2-en-subnetting/ipv4-verdelen-in-subnetten
CUR/OEF sudo en su -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/su-sudo
CUR/OEF sudoers file -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/etc-sudoers
CURSUS tar - gzip - bzip2 -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/tar-gzip-bzip2
CURSUS cron - crontab -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/cron-crontab
(12) vr 18/02/2022: NET-SEC
CCNA1 overlopen capita selecta: http://netwerk800.be/home/agenda-s/netbeheer-acad-21-22
CUR variable subnetting -- http://netwerk800.be/routing/rip-v2-en-subnetting/variable-subnetting-vlsm
OEF variable subnetting --http://netwerk800.be/routing/rip-v2-en-subnetting/oef-variable-subnetting
(11) wo 9/02/2020: NET/SEC/LNX
OEF op find vanaf 3 -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/grep-find/find-oefeningen
CUR/OEF sysadmin: grep / find -- GREP -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/grep-find/grep-regex-find
CUR/OEF shell admin -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/shell-admin
CUR/OEF advanced user & permissions administration -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/advanced-user-admin
OEF 2 oefeningen passwd en group -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/advanced-user-admin
(10) vr 4/02/2022: NET/SEC/LNX
CUR/LAB ssh server inleiding -- http://linux800.be/inleiding/basic-services/ssh-server-inleiding
CUR/LAB ssh advanced ubuntu version -- http://linux800.be/services/services-adv-2/ssh-advanced-ubuntu-version
CUR/LAB ssh met keys -- http://linux800.be/services/services-adv-2/ssh-keys
CUR/OEF sysadmin: grep / find
-- FIND -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/grep-find/find
-- OEF op find -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/grep-find/find-oefeningen
-- GREP -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/grep-find/grep-regex-find
(09) do 3/02/2022: NET/SEC/LNX
LAB install ubuntu 20.04 -- http://linux800.be/inleiding/praktijk-labo-s/install-ubuntu-18-04-server
CUR/LAB port forwarding in vbox -- https://discord.com/channels/892737546868637708/892739746273591306/938736089928179842
OEF werken met vim -- https://www.howtogeek.com/102468/a-beginners-guide-to-editing-text-files-with-vi/
OEF werken met vim -- http://linux800.be/sysadmin/vim
LAB statisch IPv4 adres ubuntu 20.4 -- http://linux800.be/services/services-adv-2/ubuntu-20-04-static-net
CUR/OEF herhaling ssh-client -- http://linux800.be/inleiding/basic-services/ssh-client
CUR/OEF herhaling systemd -- http://linux800.be/services/systemd
(08) do 27/01/2022: NET/LNX
PT-LAB VLANs, DHCP en ROUTING on a stick -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/dhcp-service/dhcp-vlan-ros
LAB CentOS 8.5 install -- http://linux800.be/inleiding/praktijk-labo-s/installatie-centos7-5-1804
[ download: http://ftp.belnet.be/mirrors/CentOS/8.5.2111/isos/x86_64/ ]
LAB CentOS customization -- http://linux800.be/inleiding/praktijk-labo-s/centos-7-5-18-04-customization
If you use CentOS 8, you might have noticed that starting from January 31, 2022, installing packges with yum no longer works with an error No URLs in mirrorlist, similar to the following:
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist
If you still need to run your old CentOS 8, you can update the repos in /etc/yum.repos.d to use vault.centos.org instead of mirror.centos.org . Here are two simple commands to do this, both need to be run with sudo:
$ sudo sed -i -e "s|mirrorlist=|#mirrorlist=|g" /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*
$ sudo sed -i -e "s|#baseurl=http://mirror.centos.org|baseurl=http://vault.centos.org|g" /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*
(07) wo 26/01/2022: NET SEC
OEF oef 3, 4, 5 en 6 -- TROUBLESHOOTING http://netwerk800.be/advanced/troubleshooting
-- 3 -- vlans: oef-netadv-vlans-troubleshooting
-- 4 -- ssh: oef-netadv-troubleshooting-ssh
-- 5 -- routing on a stick: troubleshoot-r-o-s
-- 6 -- static routing: static.routing-2-troubleshooting
PT-LAB VLANs, DHCP en ROUTING on a stick -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/dhcp-service/dhcp-vlan-ros
(06) wo 19/01/2022: NET SEC
PT huiswerk -- VLAN config -- deel2 ((3.5.2) from scratch zonder uitleg) -- http://netwerk800.be/switching/vlan-config
CUR/OEF ssh on a switch in VLAN56 gi0/1 zie hogere oefening ^^^
VLANs trunk lines --http://netwerk800.be/switching/vlan-trunk-lines
--- observing vlan trunks http://netwerk800.be/switching/content/7-vlan-trunk-lines/e3-3232.pka
LAB troubleshooting: e3422.pka ---> troubleshooting VLAN -- http://netwerk800.be/switching/vlan-trunk-lines
CUR/LAB inter-vlan-routing -- http://netwerk800.be/switching/inter-vlan-routing
-- e3-6224 -- traditionele router met 2 netkaarten
-- e3-6225 -- router on a stick met encapsulation dot1Q
-- e3-6333 -- troubleshooting
-- exa-netadv-yourname-ros -- algemene oefening (oude examenvraag)
-- advanced ROS -- voor gevorderden VLANs / encaps-dot1Q R-O-S / op 2 switches en 1 router
(05) do 13/01/2022: NET SEC
HERHALING subnetting oef 1 -- http://netwerk800.be/routing/ospf/oefening-pt-ospf
HERHALING subnetting oef 3 -- http://netwerk800.be/routing/rip-v2-en-subnetting/ipv4-verdelen-in-subnetten
VLANs vlan basics -- http://netwerk800.be/switching/vlan-basics
PT VLAN config -- deel1 (from scratch met veel uitleg) -- http://netwerk800.be/switching/vlan-config
HUISWERK VLAN config -- deel2 (from scratch zonder uitleg) -- http://netwerk800.be/switching/vlan-config
(04) wo 22/12/2021: NET SEC
subnetting 1 inleiding op subnetting -- http://netwerk800.be/routing/rip-v2-en-subnetting/subnetting
subnetting oef 1 -- http://netwerk800.be/routing/rip-v2-en-subnetting/ipv4-verdelen-in-subnetten
subnetting oef 1 -- met ospf -- http://netwerk800.be/routing/ospf/oefening-pt-ospf
oefening dhcp relay agent met OSPF -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/dhcp-service/dhcp-relay-oefening
CCNA1 bespreking programma & aanvulling -- overlopen ccna1 -> H8.3/8.4/8.5//H9//H10
subnetting oef 2 -- http://netwerk800.be/routing/ospf/oefening-pt-ospf
subnetting 2 -- http://netwerk800.be/routing/rip-v2-en-subnetting/legacy-subnetting-2
subnetting oef 3 -- http://netwerk800.be/routing/rip-v2-en-subnetting/ipv4-verdelen-in-subnetten
(03) ma 20/12/2021: NET SEC
application layer -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/application-protocols
inleiding app layer -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/application-protocols
werking DNS -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/application-protocols/dns-werking
telnet (en vele andere) -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/application-protocols/telnet
mail protocols -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/application-protocols/mail-protocols
anonymous ftp -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/application-protocols/ftp-anonymous
ftp met login -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/application-protocols/ftp-met-login
ftp inner workings -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/application-protocols/ftp-inner-workings
ftp appendix -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/application-protocols/ftp-appendix
dhcp service -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/dhcp-service
dhcp op cisco router -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/dhcp-service/dhcp-op-cisco-router
dhcp relay agent -- howto -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/dhcp-service/dhcp-relay-agent
dhcp relay agent met OSPF -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/dhcp-service/ripv2-or-ospf-relay-agent
(02) do 16/12/2021: NET SEC
ipv6 -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/ipv6
ipv6 adressen +oefeningen -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/ipv6/ipv6-adressen
ipv6 netmask + oefeningen -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/ipv6/ipv6-netmask
ipv6 address types -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/ipv6/ipv6-address-types
ipv6 oefeningen -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/ipv6/oefeningen-ipv6-adressen
(01) wo 15/12/2021: NET SEC
ipv6 -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/ipv6
ipv6 inleiding -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/ipv6/ipv6-inleiding
ipv6 instellen -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/ipv6/ipv6-instellen
PT ipv6 ipv6 instellen -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/ipv6/pt-ipv6-instellen
ipv6 @home -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/ipv6/ipv6-at-home
ipv6 LAB -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/ipv6/ipv6-lab
ipv6 ipv6 adressen (1) -- http://netwerk800.be/advanced/ipv6/ipv6-adressen
bespreking programma & aanvulling CCNA1
-- overlopen ccna1 - H1 tot H8
-- H2 - ccna1 -- configure a switch
-- 2.7.6 -- Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity